Do you know someone who loves our collection and do you find it difficult to make a choice yourself? Then give a gift voucher from Minis Only as a gift! These are valid indefinitely.
How can you order this?
The gift vouchers can be ordered per € 10. If you want a gift value of, for example, € 30, then select under 'Quantity' 3. We will then send one voucher worth 30 euros. If you wish to receive 3 vouchers of 10 euros, please inform us immediately after placing your order.
How do you receive the gift voucher?
After payment you will receive the gift voucher by e-mail. The shipping costs of the voucher are therefore free.
The credit can easily be redeemed
The gift voucher has a unique code. This unique code relates to the credit on the gift voucher. On the gift voucher is a code of various numbers and letters. The receiver can enter this code during checkout at 'Discount code' in our online store. The amount is then automatically deducted from the total.